I am a life and self-love coach and female rebel

for Chinese and Asian women

If you are a Chinese or Asian woman on a journey of self-discovery and self-love, then I’m so happy you’re here.

I am on that journey with you.

Welcome to my online home and wholehearted work. Thank you for wanting to know more about me.


I was born in the hot and humid, prosperous and diverse city of Guangzhou, China. As a local Cantonese, I inherited the down-to-earth, open minded and accepting nature of this 1st line southern city.

I first visited Melbourne Australia where I now live when I was eleven years old. I spoke minimal English and during my one and half year stay, I endured intense discrimination, racism and isolation at school. It was a lonely and challenging time where I questioned if I would ever fit in and be accepted.

I returned to Melbourne when I was sixteen, this time to an international school with a lot of Chinese and Asian overseas students. I found a sense of belonging among these students that came from a similar background, carried similar family expectations and were pursuing similar goals. 


From a very early age, I have identified as a high achiever. Academically, I have a Bachelors of Commerce from Melbourne University, a Masters Degree in Banking & Finance from Monash University, and I’m a qualified Certified Practising Accountant.

Academic achievements did not help me a great deal with my career progression, however as a highly capable person with a can-do attitude and growth mindset, I worked for 10+ years in big 4 banks as a successful risk and compliance specialist. On the surface this looked and sounded great, and my family were so proud of me. 

But I wasn’t happy.

After achieving almost every goal that my family and I set for me, I hit a quarter-life crisis aged twenty eight. I knew I was not being my true self, but I didn’t know who I was - or what I truly wanted.

I had been a people pleaser all my life with very few personal boundaries and an intense fear of saying no. I had no life direction or deep connection to myself. My external achievements and possessions were not fulfilling me, but instead making me question my true identity and purpose. 

I was lost. And also at the same time determined to be found. 

And so I stepped onto a journey of finding myself.

From 2014 to this present day, (and I am sure well beyond into the future), I started to do deep inner work through exploring my spirituality, stepping out of my comfort zone, trying different experiences, solo travelling, reading, observing, and contemplating who I was as a Chinese woman.

I went through challenge after challenge and breakthrough after breakthrough. And yes, I made some mistakes and had some failures as well - which I’ve come to learn are a part of the journey for us all and therefore incredible life teachers. 

I trained to become a life coach and found a new and inspiring part of myself in helping others. And while at first I resisted owning my own coaching niche and space as someone who is devoted to Chinese and Asian women, I now firmly hold that for myself (and you!) as where I am meant to be. 

We are all one and yet also unique, and I have come to learn that many of us as we try to fit into the wider world, we forget or are even afraid to embrace our true authenticity and identity. Amongst all of this I have come to learn that at heart I am a rebel. I understand that in Chinese and Asian culture this may seem outrageous - but I truly am - and proudly claim it so.

I have awakened to my higher self and mission in my one precious life. And now as a self-love life coach, I support Chinese and Asian women on their own life journeys and discoveries. I am showing up in the world​ as my most authentic self and embracing a life of meaning, abundance, love and joy.

I have come to learn that unconditional self-love and acceptance for myself were the missing ingredients I needed to truly embrace my wholeness, and I now treasure any opportunity I have to share that, knowing they are a part of my gifts and wisdom to the world. I know who I am. I am who I am. And that feels so powerful and significant to proclaim.

I am here to guide you on how to truly love, care and respect yourself; and light a fire within you to illuminate your path ahead.

Thank you for being here and exploring the infinite possibilities that we can create together.

Your presence means a lot to me.